Starrick Family

Established September 9, 2006

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I know, I's been awhile :)

ignore the dates on these pictures
The "Inland Hurricane" hit on a Friday afternoon on May 8th. Jarod was sent home from work at about noon that day and I was shocked. He told me that his boss said there was a big storm coming and he didn't want his men out in it. I thought that was crazy! Boy am I glad Jarod was home with me and Shane! We first started out watching the storm out or dining room window....then we saw trees and branches coming towards the we rushed into the basement with our two dogs. It was scary. Jarod and I took turns coming up the basement stairs to have a look out the window. When Jarod felt it was safe we came out and had a look at the destruction. It was the craziest thing I had ever seen. We thought we were pretty lucky because we only had one tree down in our backyard and some siding had come loose from our house. We had to leave for vacation the following Monday morning so we packed up and left the state.
We came back from vacation May 18th and saw that the area still wasn't cleaned up. I saw lots of insurance adjusters at my neighbors homes so I thought, "maybe I should have one come to our house and take a look." I'm so glad I did. We had significant damage that we didn't know about! Our chimney's shifted during the storm and rain water has been leaking through our roof and down our walls in our house! We need a new roof ASAP with the chimneys knocked down. We also need all new walls inside where the damage has occurred. Looks like we will have to move out for that portion of the repair. My parents have offered their spare bedroom to us thank goodness. So we just received the insurance check yesterday and we are waiting on all of the bids to come in for the construction before we begin this nightmare renovation.

So we have been so busy that I just now feel like I can relax....well a little. We went on a little mini vacation to Phoenix, Arizona the first part of May. Jarod's dad and step-mom live out there. We went along with Jarod's sister and her two daughters Daisy and Lucy. Jarod's brother Seth met us out there as well so we could all be together before Seth leaves for Afganistan in July. We really had a good time.
May was a crazy month! Hopefully the rest of the summer will go smoothly with our construction going on. I'll keep you posted on all of the fun!


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