Starrick Family

Established September 9, 2006

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Lyla comes to play!

Rachel Mueller brought her daughter Lyla to come play for a few days last week. They had soooo much fun together! Shane has never played with someone around his own age before and he was amazed at how much Lyla could do that he couldn't. He can only crawl and she can walk! No fair right?! Anyways, they had a blast and Rachel and I had a great time catching up on everything. We even took the kids to the park but Lyla wasn't much on swinging like Shane is. So we just went for a long walk around Murphy. The kids fell asleep. It was too cute!

Friday, April 18, 2008


Shane loves his toys now. He playes for about 20 minutes at a time without even fussing for me to come play with him or pick him up. I love it because I can now get some stuff done around the house!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Shane's Jumper

Shane LOVES his Johnny Jumper that his cousin gave him. It was a hand-me-down from about 3 different cousins but still works and looks great! He absolutely loves for us to use it as a swing for him! We push and pull him in it and he just laughs and sometimes even gets a little scared. One of the best toys we have! Have a great weekend everyone!

Rain Rain Go Away



We are sick of this rain!! It has made me stir crazy having to stay inside so much. I just wanted to share a couple of pictures I snapped last night. The sky was doing some crazy colors and it was actually kind of pretty.

Monday, April 7, 2008

6 month pictures

I'm a little late in posting but Shane's 6 month pictures arrived and I finally got them scanned and up on the computer. I LOVE my little cowboy!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Staying at home!

Well, as many of you know I have had a difficult time since my return to work in December. I long to be with Shane and working 40+ hours a week was not allowing me any time to do much of anything with my family. I don't know how you working mothers out there do it and stay sane! My house was always a mess, my laundry was always piled up and Shane was always sleeping when I wanted to play with him in the evenings as he goes to bed around 7:30-8pm.

So needless to say Jarod and I sat down and created a budget to allow me to stay at home with Shane. I am soooo excited! I am happier and I even think Shane is enjoying it as well. I know that everyday won't be a breeze but it is so rewarding to watch Shane grow and develop mentally and physically. Yesterday my baby turned 7 months old! The doctor says his weight is normal (15lbs) but he is a little short for his age. Hmmmm.......guess he gets that from me! Haha!